Introduction to Waves
🔖 Topics
- Types of Waves
- Harmonic Traveling Plane Waves
- Graphing Waves
- Superposition
🎯 Objectives
- Identify the features of a harmonic traveling wave and describe its motion
- Calculate properties of a harmonic traveling wave including angular frequency, wavenumber, speed, amplitude, and phase
- Sketch snapshots of waves at different positions and times
📋 Sequence
- Vocabulary
- Wave - A disturbance in a medium that carries energy without the net movement of particles
- Transverse Wave (S Wave) - Motion of particles is perpendicular to propagation
- Longitudinal Wave (P Wave) - Motion of particles is parallel to propagation
- Crest vs. Trough
- Wavelength
- Frequency
- Harmonic wave - Sinusoidal shape
- Traveling wave - Retains it shape as it moves
- Superposition - When two or more waves overlap, the net disturbance is the sum of the disturbances due to each wave
- What does it mean for a wave to have a velocity?
- What are some of the assumptions we make about waves propagating in a medium?
- Harmonic traveling wave equation: \(y(x,t) = A sin(\omega t \pm kx + \phi)\)
- Harmonic traveling wave speed:
- Set phase equal to zero
- Set \(C = \omega t \pm kx\)
- Solve for \(x/t\)
- \(k\) is your wavenumber \(k = \omega/v =2\pi f / \lambda f = 2\pi / \lambda\)
- \(v = \omega / k = f\lambda \)
- Sketch a few harmonic traveling waves
🖥️ Animations, Simulations, Activities
📝 Practice Problems
✅ Partial Solutions
📘 Connected Resources
- Giambattista, Alan, et al. College Physics With an Integrated Approach to Forces and Kinematics. 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.