Introduction to Git and GitHub
🔖 Background Information
We are going to be using Git and GitHub extensively in this class. Let’s take a few minutes to practice!
🎯 Problem Statement
Perform the actions outlined in the Acceptance Criteria.
✅ Acceptance Criteria
- Create a new public repository in your GitHub account called “GitHub Practice”. You can choose whether you want it to include a README, LICENSE, etc.
- Make sure the repository is public! Otherwise, I won’t be able to view it later 😅
- Clone the repository to your computer using GitHub Desktop or the command line.
- Make sure that you can open the project and view any files within (if you included a README, LICENSE, etc).
- Create a new file in the project called “my_favorite_color.txt”. Inside of that file, tell me your favorite color!
- Save the file, add it, and commit it to version control.
- Push the changes you made up to GitHub.
- Submit this assignment with the URL of your GitHub repo. I will look at it to make sure everything was done properly!
📋 Dev Notes
🖥️ Example Output
📘 Works Cited