🔖 Background Information

We are going to be using Git and GitHub extensively in this class. Let’s take a few minutes to practice!

🎯 Problem Statement

Perform the actions outlined in the Acceptance Criteria.

✅ Acceptance Criteria

  1. Create a new public repository in your GitHub account called “GitHub Practice”. You can choose whether you want it to include a README, LICENSE, etc.
    • Make sure the repository is public! Otherwise, I won’t be able to view it later 😅
  2. Clone the repository to your computer using GitHub Desktop or the command line.
  3. Make sure that you can open the project and view any files within (if you included a README, LICENSE, etc).
  4. Create a new file in the project called “my_favorite_color.txt”. Inside of that file, tell me your favorite color!
  5. Save the file, add it, and commit it to version control.
  6. Push the changes you made up to GitHub.
  7. Submit this assignment with the URL of your GitHub repo. I will look at it to make sure everything was done properly!

📋 Dev Notes


🖥️ Example Output


📘 Works Cited